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Grade Smarter

Twelve testing tips for large lecture halls

Exams in lecture settings
  1. Design an exam that considers the lecture testing time you have and length needed to improve test reliability.
    1. Note: increasing length can often increase reliability.
  2. Create multiple versions of your exam for large lecture settings
  3. Have students request special accommodations or a left-handed seat before classroom testing
  4. Lecture hall seating charts are useful to curb cheating.
  5. Arrange a sufficient number of proctors for the exam
  6. Arrive early to the lecture hall before the classroom testing begins
  7. Provide clear instructions on filling answer sheets
  8. Remind students to mark their student ID and test version on their answer sheet.
    1. Note: students often mismark their student IDs, which can cause a problem for the instructor
  9. Email or post a seating chart. Put the seating chart on the lecture hall door.
  10. Watch for cheating
  11. Collect exams and make sure all answer sheets have the test version and student ID marked
  12. When students hand-in a completed exam, check if the ID on the answer sheets matches their school ID card.
