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Grade Smarter

10 Tips to Reduce Test Anxiety

How much test anxiety is too much? Being a little worried about an upcoming exam can motivate students to study and learn. However, an insurmountable amount of test anxiety paralyzes academic performance. Additionally, test anxiety causes high stress, physical ailments, and poor concentration. Similar to other anxiety disorders, once fear occurs on a given exam, a student may be fearful of a repeat occurrence. This fear of fear begins a cycle, which left untreated, may negatively affect motivation and learning.

How To Be Ready!

For students who suffer from test anxiety, might try these a few of these tips to alleviate test anxiety:

  1. Study. This will help to boost your confidence and recognize the information found on the test.
  2. Prepare a checklist. Create topics that could be on the test and review each before test time, acting as a mini-study guide.
  3. Find study partners.  Look for people with a positive outlook to help motivate you!
  4. Exercise. Taking a break can help you relax and retain information.
  5. Eat something. Find healthy foods to eat before the test, and avoid sugary foods. Stay away from processed foods, artificial sweeteners, soft drinks, etc.
  6. Read. Make sure to read the test directions carefully!
  7. Budget your time. Remember to pace yourself during the test and make sure you have enough time to answer every question.
  8. Skip, and come back. If your mind goes blank, move on from the question for the time being and return later.
  9. Breathe. Some test anxiety is normal, don’t panic.
  10. Review. When you’re finished, look over your notes and see which ones you got right! 

Although society may say differently, grades are important but not everything. If you mess up on one test, there will always be more opportunities to find success. Before your next test, try using these tips and let us know how it went. Good luck on any upcoming midterms and finals!

Casper from GradeHub
Casper Lee is majoring in business at the University of California, Irvine and this year’s marketing intern at GradeHub