GradeHub is now a part of the Turnitin family. To grade assessments, including bubble sheets, try Gradescope by Turnitin.

Blog Post

Grade Smarter

Welcome to GradeHub I’m glad you’re here

In our blog you’ll find updates from the team about new features and tips. We’ll also be providing you research on how to best test your students.

Bubble Sheets in the Cloud

In our first feature release, we’re bringing paper online. I know that sounds a little odd. But paper is still the “norm” for testing, no pun intended. We’ve taken a modern, cloud-based approach to ole  multiple-choice answer sheets.

Grading bubble sheets is effortless with GradeHub. With GradeHub you might even enjoy grading:-)

Because GradeHub runs in the cloud, you can access your data anytime you need to. There is nothing to install and everything is backup automatically. Simply upload your GradeHub bubble sheets with any scanner, and we’ll sends you and your students powerful reports, instantly. No more manual input, and no hand scoring. Also, GradeHub interacts with your LMS so you can easily sync your data.


Bubble sheets made easy
Bubble sheets made as simple as possible, not simpler

Bubble Sheets Made Simple

I used to run the business that made Scantrons. I founded GradeHub because I thought It was time for something as simple as Scantrons yet better and smarter.

I also think technology should make your job easier. So, simplicity has been in our DNA right from our start. It’s in our values.

About the picture and quote in this post. “Everything must be made as simple as possible, not simpler” is similar to Occam’s Razor, that “Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity.” I don’t think these ideas are advocating oversimplification, because, cutting something that’s needed for the sake of simplicity results in chaos. So it’s about making the best choice.

Grading paper bubble sheets in a highly scalable, secure, and available cloud environment is actually pretty complex. However, we’ve designed GradeHub so it’s uncluttered, intuitive, and simple for educators to use. We’ve accomplished this by optimizing and perfecting how paper sheets are graded while providing powerful reporting. We did this without changing the existing grading process.

Check Us Out

If you came here to find out what GradeHub is about, you’ll find a great overview on our YouTube channel here. Feel free to follow us on Twitter #gradehub and Facebook . And, please sign up for GradeHub, it’s free to get started.

Happy grading,



